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Mock Interviews at Dormer's Wells High School (Southall)

Event Chair: Grace van der Velde


Mock Interviews at Dormer's Wells High School (Southall)

LOCATION: Dormers Wells High School, Dormer's Wells Ln, Southall UB1 3HZ.

DATE: Tuesday 1st April 2025

TIME: 8.30am - 3.15pm

Volunteer opportunities: 30

Number of Students and Year Group: 248 year 10 students (aged 14 - 15)

Year group: 10 (aged 14 - 15)

Activity Details:

We will need volunteers to support with running mock interviews with individual students over the course of the day. There will be 10 x 30 minute sessions throughout the day where you will be interviewing and providing feedback to  students.

If you can only attend for part of the day, that should be absolutely fine, please let us know.

April 1, 2025
Support with running mock interviews with individual students over
Start Time: 8:30 am
End Time: 3:15 pm
Available Spots
5 Filled, 25 remaining: