In addition to our work experience provision, careers mentoring, and employability skills programmes, we are often involved in other related activity, in schools and beyond.

We love to explore potential partnerships and collaborations that further young people's prospects of transitioning into sustained employment, so please do get in touch.

Government Kickstart

The Government's Kickstart initiative provides 6-month work placements for young people aged 16-24 who are recipients of Universal Credit. Spark! are working alongside employers and Gateway organisations, including West London Business, on Kickstart. We will be providing the essential employability and wraparound support for young people on 6 month work placement, including work readiness skills, careers guidance and pastoral support.

To find out more about how we can support you as an employer through the Kickstart placements, get in touch with our CEO

Download our package of support for Kickstart employees and employers here

Read our guidance for a high quality Kickstart placement

Careers Cluster

In partnership with the GLA and the London Borough of Hounslow, we will be working with 15 secondary schools in the borough to develop sustained business relationships, formulate and implement an employer endorsed careers strategy, and create 800 high quality work experience placements.

You can read more about this project here, and if you would like to find out more how to get involved please get in touch with our CEO,